Bryan & Armstrong – Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Report
31st October 2023

Our approach
Bryan & Armstrong have robust recruitment processes in place to comply with UK employment law, including pre-employment identity and background checks to confirm right-to-work, age, and identity of workers. We are committed to operating ethically and legally, working closely with customers and suppliers to ensure these values and legal responsibilities are upheld across all dealings and operations.
Supply chains

We work with our suppliers to understand the systems and processes they have in place to prevent the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking in their own operations and those of their supply chains. When paying temporary staff via an Umbrella Company, we undertake due diligence checks to ensure we only engage with legitimate, UK based Umbrella companies. Although we have not identified any specific cause for concern in our supply-chains, we do appreciate the importance of maintaining awareness, robust systems and ongoing training.

Placing contract, temporary or permanent staff
Due diligence checks provide assurance that all candidates we place have proven their identity and eligibility to work in the UK. In the case of contract or temporary staff paid directly or via an Umbrella Company, payments must be made to a bank account controlled by the individual and there is no automatic entitlement to subcontract work to third parties. We collect the following documents:

– CV
– Right to work/ID
– National Insurance Number
– References (when requested by our clients)

– Other documents when required by our clients/ local laws

Combating slavery and human trafficking
In the financial year ending 31 October 2023, no concerns were raised in relation to modern slavery or human trafficking within our supply chain. This Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Report was approved by the Board of Directors on 6th November 2023.

Signed for and on behalf of Bryan & Armstrong Ltd.
Steven Bryan – Company Director | 0207 129 7075